The m1903 Springfield rifle is one of the most famous rifles in our country's military history. It was manufactured in 1902 by Springfield Arms company. It was adopted by the U.S. Military in 1905 replacing the 1895 Krag-Jorgensen rifle. It was a new rifle for it is a bolt action and it took ballistic 30-06 cartridges. This rifle was still used up until 1957. Snipers in Vietnam also did prefer to use this extremely accurate rifle. I myself do prefer this rifle for hunting and I have experienced it's accuracy and reliability. These weapons were superior during The First Great War to the German Mauser rifles. It is also an easily mobile rifle for it weighs only eight lbs. and is forty-three inches in length. It's muzzle velocity is about 8,000 fps. and it is affective from 1,100 yds. having a range of 3,500 yds., holding five rounds in a clip. It is a very important weapon to our nations' history in any war,
especially the Great War.

M1903 Springfield Model
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